The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

tia TWO THE MESSENGER. OWENSBORO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 6, 1930 GRAND JURY TERM IS CONCLUDED BY ITS FINAL REPORT Foreman Asserts Labors Ended In Three Days Because of Few Law Violations; 35 Indictments. With but three days of life, and setting a record that is somewhat remarkable, the Daviess county grand jury adjourned finally yesterday afternoon, after making its final report and handing in thirtyfive true bills before being dis charged. One of the remarkable feats of the grand jury was the indicting of twenty-two persons over from examining courts since the last grand jury. Not a single one escaped the charge of the body.

In the past the experience has peen to dismiss about one-third of those charged with crimes 1 in the lower courts. Two murder charges were embraced in the list of indictments, both against negroes and but one liquor charge, that against a woman, was among the whole lot submitted. Judge Wilson received indictments and set down for next Tuesday. Several of those indicted, when arraigned indicated they would enter. pleas of guilty.

Bearing out the comment of BLEICH GRETA GARBO in The Kiss Three men fought her love SHE fought for her life! IN SOUND ALL-TALKING COMEDY "HURDY GURDY" Tomorrow Only. 6 80 DOVE Thelma Todd Holmes Herbert Montague Love Akins' great version stage of play. HER TE Man Drives Through City With Still On Truck, Is Arrested Covington, Feb. 5. (AP)F.

Prettyman, 32, Newport, was arrested here today when police noticed him driving through the streets wtih a 25-gallon still, burners and other equipment used in making moonshine whisky, on a truck. Prettyman calmly remarked that was "taking this still to a junkshop." His case was continued until tomorrow. Judge Wilson on empaneling the grand jury the foreman in the nal report voiced the assertion that Daviess county was not criminally inclined. The report was short, having but two paragraphs other than de one reciting its adherence to the court's instructions. The grand jury reported: "We find from our investigation that law violations in Daviess county are less than in the years gone by and we feel the conditions general-! ly as to law violations are ed.

We have been able to complete our labors within three days by reason of this improved condition. "We have inspected the county jail, the court house and public grounds and find same in reasonably good conditions and have no recommendations to make." Helen Johnson, 14 year old girl, the youngest person with murder in Daviess county, was indicted by the grand jury for the killing of Beatrice Curry, 14 year old negro girl, which occurred last November in Maple street. Thirty-three other indictments were returned into circuit court which includes a murder charge against Austin Speaks, negro, for shooting to death Call Hamilton, negro, at a dance hall last November. Beatrice Rapier, Millie Thomas, Logan and Jessie Johnson, were twice indicted charges of grand larceny. The women were arrested by the police, sometime ago after complaints had come to them that the quartette had visited a number of business houses and pilfered goods from the counters.

Robert Pittman and Buck Riley, white, were indicted for robbery, it being charged that they held up and slugged a man, in daylight and robbed him of his cash. The holdup is alleged to have taken place near an alley, between Frederica and St. Elizabeth streets, on West Second street. S. A.

Layne, an alleged confidence man, was indicted for obtaining money under false pre-: tense. Layne, who is said by the police to be wanted in a number of states for various offenses, was arrested here several weeks ago when he is alleged to have attempted to work his confidence game on a number of merchants. Other indictments returned by the grand jury were Story Gary, Ben J. Hines, grand larceny; Paul Belcher, petit larceny; Herman Huskisson and Tom Hale, grand larceny; Edward Taylor, chicken stealing; Charles Helm, maliciously cutting; Martin Miller, James T. Miller and Merlin Ballard, child desertion; Morris Wells, negro, setting up and operating a game of chance; Lydia Walden, possessing intoxicating liquor; John Johnson, chicken stealing; Francis Kelly, Clyde Goff, Chas, Kost and John Webster, storehouse breaking; Roscoe Pryor and Ira Vertrees, for false swearing.

The common grey rabbit can jump about nine feet clear on level ground. PISO'S for PISO'S gives effective quick, relief. COUGHS Pleasant, ing and her healing. Excellent for children contains no QUICK used opiates. Successfully RELIEF for 65 years.

35c and 60c sizes. EMPRESS The The of Laugh-Sensation New Show World TODAY TOMORROW ONLY HERE THEY ARE! THE TWO HEAD MEN MORAN MACK THE TWO BLACK CROWS Bring That Up?" WITH a Paramount EVELYN BRENT Picture VITA TOLE Nite, 20 COUNTY TO NAME TREASURER FEB. 18 Fiscal Court Orders Advertisem*nt In Accordance With Statute. At a meeting of the members of the Daviess county fiscal court held Wednesday in the county court room it was voted to advertise for county treasurer to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Hawes B. Eagles.

The appointment will be made at the next regular meeting of the court on Tuesday, February 18. Although a number of bills and claims were allowed by the court they cannot be paid until a county treasurer is finally qualified. Under the law a county treasurer cannot be appointed until ten days after the county had advertised for one. County Clerk Guy Aull was authorized to buy a new book type-! writer and bring up to date crossindexing of instruments. Before adjournment the court adopted a resolution expressing regret of the death of Mr.

Eagles, who had served Daviess county for many years as its treasurer. PAYROLL HELD UP Decision Expected Today On County Treasurer Although the $19,000 payroll for the Daviess county schools was allowed at the meeting of the board Tuesday it could not be signed, on account of the death of Hawes B. Eagles, who had served as board treasurer. Since it is necessary for the teachers' checks to be ready for distribution Saturday when they call for them, plans were being made yesterday for the selection of a new treasurer. Conferences were held among the members of the county school board and the court, and the matter was referred, to former County Attorney Wilbur K.

Miller, for investigation, as to what steps are necessary for appointment of a treasurer in the shortest possible time. Mr. Miller was expected to reach a decision some time today. O. N.

Magruder was named to handle the funds of the school board by the fiscal court but whether this action is legal has not yet been determined. MORTUARY WATT TAYLOR Watt Taylor, retired farmer, 92 years of age, died last midnight at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. 0. Barnett, on the Leitchfield road.

Surviving are three sons, Thomas and William Taylor, of Habit, in the county, and Marian Taylor, of Masonville; also three daughters, Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. George Welsh, of Owensboro and Mrs. C. W.

Scott, of Muncie, His wife died a quarter century ago. Funeral services will be held at 11 o'clock Friday morning from the residence of Mrs. Barnett. DR. J.

S. SMITH McHenry, Feb. J. S. Smith, 80, formerly of McHenry, died last Thursday at the home of his daughter, Mrs.

Grace Ross, in Louisville, following a stroke of paralysis and pneumonia. The funeral services were conducted at McHenry Presbyterian church at 11 o'clock Saturday morning, with Rev. Mr. Looney, of Louisville in charge. Burial was in Sunnyside cemetery, here.

Dr. Smith survived by three daughters, Mrs. Ross, of Louisville, Mrs. Arthur Plummer, Nashville, Mrs. Bruce Doyle, of North Carolina, one grandson, Raymond Ross, Toledo, Ohio, and a granddaughter, Miss Ruth Ross, Louisville.

C. 0. BROWN The funeral of C. O. Brown, 62, well known grocer of Owensboro who died Tuesday was conducted at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from the residence 830 West Tenth street.

Services were in charge of Dr. M. G. Buckner. Burial was in Elmwood cemetery.

The pallbeares. Were: T. K. Gore, Tim Fielden, Tom Pegram, Bluford Carlin. John Stahl and M.

A. Brown. JOSEPH ROBERT THOMAS Joseph Robert Thomas, sixteen months old son of Mr. and Mrs. J.

R. Thomas, of St. Raphael's died Tuesday evening at the home of his parents, after a three weeks Illness of pneumonia. The funeral will be conducted this morning with burial following in the Catholic cemetery, in Owensboro. MISS NORA BOEHM The funeral of Miss Nora Boehm 63, who died Monday at the city hospital, was conducted at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday morning from the residence 1548 East Eighteenth street.

Services were in charge of Rev. C. D. Ryan, pastor, of Rushing chapel. Burial was in Elmwood cemetery.

America's eleven billion dollar oil industry produces more than 70 per cent of the world's petroleum. Too Late To Classify FOR SALE- WHITE LEGHORN eggs, $5.00 per 100; larger numbers cheaper, from a home flock you know. Good hatch guaranteed. Chicks in March. John Reid, phone County 0702.

COURT NEWS IN POLICE, OOURT Judge Forest A. Roby held brief session of police court Wednesday in which a majority of the offenders were traffic law violators. Nolan Owen, was fined $10 and costs on a charge of drunkenness. Ernest Ward charged with drunkenness and breach of the peace was fined $50 on each offense. J.

J. Hill, charged with parking his automobile on the sidewalk in front of his business house, was fined $2 and costs. J. D. Jones, was fined $10 and costs for not having proper lights on his automobile.

The cases against Clarence charged with double parking and Howard Thixton, charged with operating an automobile without; proper lights, were continued over until Saturday. A. L. Baird, who was fined $10 and costs in court on Monday, on a charge of operating a without proper lights, moved that the judgment be, set aside, as he was unable to appear in court due to illness in his family. The case was set forward.

of Ed Wedding and John Hutchinson, charged with operating automobiles without proper lights, were continued over until Saturday, February 15. COUNTY COURT ORDERS O. N. Magruder was named treasurer for the county school board in county court yesterday. Mr.

Magruder qualified, executing bond at $40,000. Mr. Magruder is a teller in the Owensboro Banking company, which is the depository. Mr. Hawes B.

Eagles, deceased, was the treasurer. MARRIAGE LICENSES MARRIAGE LICENSES Gustine Millay, 21, to Josephine Brand, 17, both of Stanley. Ira M. Sallee, 22, to Ethel Sallee, 22, both of Evansille. League Sponsors Program By Novelty Entertainers Settle Memorial Epworth League sponsored a program given by the Novelty Entertainers, a Redpath bureau attraction, in the lecture room last night, to a very appreciative audience.

A good crowd was in attendance and enjoyed the entertainment which was quite unique. La Vonne Field was the featured entertainer of the company, presenting original cartoons, mostly operatic characters, singing the theme song or aria as she drew them. She presented a number of heroes and heroines on her drawing board, musical symbols being arranged into a modernistic cartoon portraits. Miss Field was assisted in the program by Miss Betty Vandegrift, violinist, who rendered a number of operatic numbers and Miss Margaret Carter, accordionist and accompanist. 5,000,000 Autos To Be Produced In U.S.

In 1930 Washington, Feb. 5. (P) -John N. Willys, president of the WillysKnight Motor company, told President Hoover today the automobile industry now expects to produce 5,000,000 automobiles in 1930 or an increase of 500,000 over last year's business. Willys, was accompanied to the White House by Senator Fess, of Ohio.

The manufacturer said the automobile business this year would be as good from the standpoint of profits as it was last year, because the depression which followed the st stock market decline had caused drastic cuts in overhead charges. Rev. S. M. Griswold Named To Succeed Rev.

Anderson Chicago, Feb: 5. -The Rt. Rev. Sheldon Munson Griswold today was elected bishop of the Protestant Episcopal diocese of Chicago, subject to the ratification of the lay council of the diocese. Suffragan bishop of Chicago for thirteen years, Bishop Griswold was chosen by the 93rd diocesan convention to succeed the prelate with whom he had long been associated, the Most Rev.

Charles P. Anderson, who died last week. His election occurred on the fifth ballot by the clerical delegates, who immediately submitted their choice to the lay delegates for approval. SAYS! TANLAC WITHOUT EQUAL FOR STOMACH AND LIVER TROUBLES Nurse Gives Remarkable Endorsem*nt Tanlac may seem miraculous in its action to millions who ended stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as rheumatism, pains in the back, sides, joints and muscles from its use -but the truth is every drop of Taniac is a strong potent medicine while most other remedies are weak and ineffective. Mrs.

B. Piccord, a nurse with many years' experience, is one who ought to know. She says, "In 10 years active nursing have found Tanias without an equal AS remedy for stomach and liver troubles, and I can certainly promise people wonderful results in view of my long experience with this medicine. had stomach troubles for years, could scarcely anything without suffering, never any appetite, always nervous and rundown. But as soon as I began, Taniac it started to build me right up.

All stomach troubles were routed and never any pain, distress or gases since. Now I eat every. thing with perfect safety." Many "patent medicines" make glowing promises that may tempt you to buy them but rememnber Taniac is REAL medicine that backs its claims with guarantee. Do not accept a substitute. At all druggists.

PROTEST AGAINST NORRIS DROPPED Senator Scored as Withdrawal Forwarded by Voter of His State. Lincoln, Feb. 5. lard Clapp of Eimwood today withdrew a protest filed January 18 against certification of Senator George W. Norris as a candidate for reelection on the Republican ticket in the State primaries.

In his communication to Secretary of State Marsh, Clapp explained he had made the protest to challenge Norris' attention to the specific statutory provision covering afiliation with a political party and to give Norris an opportunity to demonstrate his "muchheralded political honesty" by withdrawing from the Republican party and filing as an Independent candidate. "Senator Norris has offended thousands and disappointed hundreds of men and women who had heretofore admired him for independence by refusing to withdraw as a Republican and file as an Independent, Clapp wrote. Stating that he has no with Norris for supporting AI Smith for president and the principles of the Democratic party at the last presidential election, Clapp added: "But it is impossible to conceive how that support is compatible with his oath of party affiliation." Senator Norris at Washington said he would expect the voters of Nebraska to decide his right to run- as a Republican in the approaching primary. Vestry Votes To Retain Suspended Pastor Dayton, Feb. 5 (P) -The vestry of St.

John Episcopal church here, voted tonight to retain the Rev. Julius Arnold Velasco, 31, as their rector, in spite of a sion order issued by Bishop H. P. Almon Abbott of the Lexington diocese. The Rev.

Mr. Velasco was mar ried to Miss Catherine Rogers, of Ellicot City, Maryland, by a Catholic priest, January 25. Mrs. Velasco is a Catholic. Bishop Abbott said he had "personal agreement" with the Rev.

Mr. Velasco that he would resign if the marriage ceremony were performed by a Catholic priest, But the Rev. Mr. Velasco said the agreement had been rescinded previously. He maintained he was guilty of violation of no laws of the church and declined to resign, stating he would do so only if it was the will of his congregation.

HUGE CONTRACT IS" LET OUT BY C. 0. 11,350 Cars To Be Built, At Cost of $30,144,000, Over System. Richmond, Va. Feb.

5. (AP) Contracts were awarded today by the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad lines for equipment to cost President J. J. Bernet ancontracts provide building of 11,350 cars for the Chesapeake and Ohio, Hocking Valley and Pere Marquette roads. The Chesapeake and Ohio will get 5,000 of the new cars.

The Hocking Valley railroad 1,500 and the Pere Marquette 4,850. The cars are to be built in eight plants, located along the three lines. Among the contracts are: The Richmond car works 1,500 steel hopper coal cars of 70 tons capacity; the American Car and Foundry company, Huntington, 3,000 flat bottom gondolas; the Standard Steel Car company, Hammond, plant 3,000 automobile box cars and the Pullman company 1,500 automobile box to be built at its Michigan plant. "SHADOWS shapes HUGER that (Alfred, cast Lord Tennyson, 1809-18923 Dry Agent's Brother Arrested With Whisky Richmond, Feb. Cal Sandlin, 24 years old, brother Prohibition Agent Boyd Sandlii son of J.

M. Sandlin, former magis trate, and Paul Nolland, 20, 801 of George Noland, a farmer, wer arrested here at 5 o'clock this morning in an automobile contain ing seventy-three gallons of moon shine whisky. They were arraign ed before United States Commis sioner W. C. Bennett and pleaded not guilty to charges of possessing and transporting liquor.

The arrests were made by Sher iff Alfred Bogie, Deputies Lloyd Lane and Noland Bogie and Dept ty United States Marshal William Burgess, who kept an all-night watch after receiving word tha' liquor was being run here from Bardstown. GLYCERIN MIX XREMOVES CAUSE OF STOMACH GAS Simple glycerin, buckthorn bark, saline, as mixed in Adlerika, acts on BOTH upper and tower' bowel, removing poisons you never thought were there and caused gas and other stomach trouble. Just ONE spoonful relieves GAS, sour stomach, sick headache and constipation. Don't take medicine which cleans only PART of bowels, but let Adlerika give you a REAL cleaning and see how good feel! It will surprise you! Smith and Bates, AVOID THAT FUTURE By refraining from over-indulgence STRIKE A LUCKY Men who would keep that trim, proper figure, women who prize the modern figure with its subtle, seductive curves -eat healthfully but not immoderately. Banish excessiveness-eliminate abuses.

Be moderate--Be moderate in all LUCKY to than things, excess, your even in when stomach, smoking. your reach eyes When for are tempted bigger Lucky a "Coming events ows instead. before. Coming Avoid that events future cast their shadow shadby cast their avoiding over if you would "IT'S shadows before" maintain that lithe, youthful figure. Lucky Strike, the finest Cigarette a man CIGARETTES ever only heat The TOASTED." purifies smoked, removes Cream and made of so Everyone impurities of the the Crop "TOASTING" but finest knows adds tobacco that not to the flavor and improves the taste: "It's toasted" Your Throat Protection- -against irritation -against cough.

Don't jeopardize the modern form by drastic diets, harmful reducing girdles, fake reducing tablets or other quack "anti-fat" remedies condemned by the Medical profession! Millions of dollars each year are wasted on these ridiculous and dangerous nostrums. Be Sensible! Be Moderate! We do not represent that smoking Lucky Strike Cigarettes will bring modern figures or cause the reduction of flesh. We do declare that when tempted to do yourself too well, if you will "Reach for a Lucky" instead, you will thus avoid over-indulgence io things that cause excess weight and, by avoiding over-indulgence, maintain modern, graceful form. DID TUNE IN -The Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra, every Saturday night, over a coast-to-coast network of the N. B.

C. 1930, The American Tobacco Mire..

The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Carmelo Roob

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